Above all, where would be the many children with life-limiting illnesses that we would not be able to fly without this support.
This is exactly why we have set up this Thank You page, so that you too may join us in expressing our gratitude to all our friends and supporters.
Your team of Flying Hope e.V.®
Strange but true:
The next line come from bz Basel on Friday, July 26th:
For safety reasons” – Euro Airport had to be evacuated again. The airport near Basel had to be evacuated again on Friday due to a bomb threat, according to the Euro Airport website. The all-clear was given around 1 p.m
And that was exactly at the time when we had to land there in order to fly the seriously ill Linus to the hospice in Kiel.
And here it comes: “unbelievable but true” is not (just) the headline because of the bomb threat, but because airservicebasel and Basel Airport treated us perfectly.
We were allowed to land, and although there was no refueling at the airport during this time, airservicebasel refueled us, so that after the parents left the French part of the airport, where they had accidentally waited, and initially were unable to get to the Swiss part due to the police barriers, but then the police supported them/us as well, we were able to get refueled in the air with hardly any delay – and all of this (with the exception of the fuel) for free.
Therefore: unbelievable but true, the support of Flying Hope knows no limits. Many, many thanks to airservicebasel and the airport.
Etrange mais vrai:
La ligne suivante nous parviennent du bz Basel le vendredi 26 juillet:
Pour des raisons de sécurité » – L’Euro Airport a dû être à nouveau évacué. L’aéroport près de Bâle a dû être à nouveau évacué vendredi en raison d’une alerte à la bombe, selon le site Internet de l’Euro Airport. Le feu vert a été donné vers 13 heures.
C`était exactement le moment-là que nous voulons atterrir là-bas pour pouvoir ensuite transporter Linus, gravement malade, à l’hospice de Kiel.
Et voilà : « Incroyable mais vrai » n’est pas (seulement) le titre à la une à cause de l’alerte à la bombe, mais parce que l’airservicebasel et l’aéroport de Bâle nous ont parfaitement soutenu.
Nous avons été autorisés à atterrir, et bien qu’il n’y ait pas eu de ravitaillement à l’aéroport pendant cette période, ‘airservicebasel nous a ravitaillé de sorte qu’après que les parents ont quitté la partie française de l’aéroport, où ils avaient accidentellement attendu, nous n’avons pas pu nous rendre en Suisse dans un premier temps. en partie grâce aux barrières de police, mais la police les a/nous a également soutenus, nous avons pu nous ravitailler en vol sans presque aucun retard – et tout cela (à l’exception du carburant) gratuitement.
Ainsi : incroyable mais vrai, le soutien de Flying Hope ne connaît pas de limites. Un grand merci à ‘airservicebasel et à l’aéroport.
Wow, wow,
how great the support Flying Hope always gets.
It’s nothing new that airports let us land for free.
But, a service like the one yesterday in Düsseldorf for our landing, which would never have been possible otherwise, as well as later in Vienna for our take-off, is just as unimaginable, more than brilliant.
And also the way in which all the ground staff treated/supported us in Düsseldorf and Vienna alike: Simply perfect.
Which means that they are just as committed to supporting the seriously ill children as we are.
So once again, many thanks to the teams in Düsseldorf and Vienna.
We look forward to seeing you again.
Michael Offermann, Flying Hope
Thank you DFS
AERO Friedrichshafen 2024
Hotel Wilder Mann Meersburg
Dear followers
Its's for Kids
Great thank you
Book project donates to Flying Hope
Many thanks to all supporters
Laco Uhrenmanufaktur supports Flying Hope
Telgte Airport bakes 100 Christmas stollen
Trainees collect deposit bottles
Excerpt from the book “Keep in touch with Tobi”. Friday, May 10, 2013
Small planes for Flying Hope
Donation from the Webasto Group
Mega, which is great: that people of all ages and genders get together to sing together in large groups – the police choirs. And how great and what beautiful titles they presented on Friday evening under the title “Millionen Lights” in Düsseldorf under the overall direction of Stefan Scheidtweiler! As a result, the atmosphere in the audience was unbelievable.
But that they also dedicated this event to Flying Hope, with detailed explanations both in the event folder and during the concert, and also announced a donation: thank you thank you thank you. Not only we, but also the children who benefit from them will be more than grateful to them.
Your Flying Hope e.V. team
Dr. Helmut Röth
In April 2023 Dr. Helmut Röth, Mettmann, private pilot and very much connected to flying all his life, passed away.
We are very pleased that on the occasion of the funeral service for Dr. Röth donations for Flying Hope e.V. were requested.
With a donation of 2.000 € we can now finance the next flight of a sick child e.g. to a hospital stay.
Many thanks in the name of the children for this valuable support.
Your team of Flying Hope e.V.
Many thanks to the organizers of the AERO, who invited us again and provided us with a booth free of charge.
How great, when you consider that our level of awareness – especially among pilots – increases every year as desired.
And also in this context, many thanks for the interview and for the communication on the part of FliegerMagazin. The podcast of the joint interview of several non-profit associations, all of which are involved with flights for the benefit of parts of the most diverse societies, can be followed here at any time.
Your team of Flying Hope e.V.
The Municipal Community Primary School Meigen in Solingen organized a sponsored run this school year with great success.
From the handsome donation sum, not only a nice circus project was supported, but also a great donation of 2.000 € was given to Flying Hope.
We were allowed to receive the donation check personally.
Many thanks to Mrs. Petra Ehrenfeld, principal, for this great engagement and of course a special thank you to the students of the elementary school Meigen and the teachers, who also supported the project.
Your team of Flying Hope e.V.
Donation Theo Steil GmbH
Many thanks to the management and employees of the Steil Group from Trier for a generous donation of €7,500.
With this sum we can finance the refueling of further flights with sick children.
The Steil Group is an innovative recycling company group with a focus on recycling, disposal and logistics. The family business, founded in 1924, employs around 700 people at home and abroad and has been making a significant contribution to environmental and resource protection for almost a century now.
The Steil Group, headquartered in Trier, has 15 branches in Germany and neighboring European countries.
Thank you very much from the team at Flying Hope e.V.
Once again the Bavarians have brought forth one (or even two) new heroes: at least the tower controller in Augsburg and the watch chief in Munich – this refers to our flight with little Korbinian on April 1, 2023 from Augsburg to Cologne/Bonn to the clinic .
Our pilot Klaus Wybranietz and co-pilot Marc Ulm get a slot – they can set off with the sick child at 11:30 a.m. local time. After the Flying Hope “guests” have boarded and all the accessories have been loaded – which was really difficult, e.g. loading and assembling the heavy buggy and the heavy child seat – all guests are seated, strapped in, briefed and have headsets on.
Because the pilots want to request the turbine start at 11:30! But 10 seconds before, a text message arrives from the new Munich computer saying that they have to wait until 3:05 p.m. – new slot 3:05 p.m.! (no joke and no joke)
The tower controller in Augsburg immediately picks up the phone, informs the watch chief in Munich and as a result the machine can start immediately!
“You are free to take off at your filed departure time”
Many thanks to these two – our Flying Hope heroes that day – for the great support.
Your team from Flying Hope e.V.
Flight to Piestany Slovakia
Piestany on March 19th
For the first time “in their live”, the team of the airport of Piestany had to expect an incoming Flying Hope flight with a severely ill child, this on Sunday, a day when the airport normally is closed. Without any hesitation they opened the airport and only charged us a small part of the normal fee, did not ask for landing fees and offered us cheap JetA1.
How great!! Thank you so much for your support.
The family – and Flying Hope ♥ you.
Thank you very much
to my practice team, who not only prepared a donation check for my birthday, but also promised to carry their boss into the machine if necessary :)))
If that’s not a great offer…
Dr. Michael Offerman
This year we can once again say a big thank you to our over 250 Flying Hope members.
We are very pleased that you have been supporting our work effectively and consistently for many years through your active membership and, in some cases, annual donations. This is funding that goes directly to the children affected and – even in increasingly expensive times – guarantees that we can make everyday life a little easier for sick children and families with a quick flight.
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your loyalty and trust in investing in our work.
Your team from Flying Hope e.V.
Donation from Hitachi Solutions
Some employees of Hitachi Solutions Germany GmbH, Nuremberg, were so enthusiastic about the work of our pilot network that they organized an employee donation.
Today we received this generous donation of €1,600! We will use this sum to transport little Benjamin by air from Essen to Hamburg for a hospital stay in February.
Thank you very much for this great commitment on behalf of the children!
We hope that this great idea will find many imitators.
Your team from Flying Hope e.V.
Donation "Postler für Dich"
The association of postal employees “Postler für Dich e.V.” has once again given a donation to our association Flying Hope during their Christmas miracle fundraiser.
Thank you very much for the excellent donation of €2,463 that we received this week.
We are very grateful for this wonderful support and would like to thank all donors.
Your Flying Hope team
Thank you for your donation!
At the end of the year we received numerous donations.
Many thanks to all friends and supporters of Flying Hope e.V.
With your donation we will be able to make many flights possible again next year for children with life-limiting illnesses.
We look forward to every flight request in the new year.
Please continue to support our nonprofit pilot network.
Thank you very much on behalf of the children.
Your Flying Hope team
Donation DFS German air traffic control
That can not be true 🙂
The DFS supported us in our efforts to obtain our own ID/identification from the ICAO,
the DFS stands up for us when it comes to avoiding slots,
DFS understands us very well when we don’t understand why we have to pay approach fees even though all seats let us land for free, and
To make matters worse, DFS Flying Hope is donating €1,500 to the Mönchengladbach Airport tower before Christmas.
How are we supposed to be able to thank you for that? Probably just with even more flights to give even more children the chance to benefit from our offer.
Thank you very much!
Your Flying Hope Team
Tooth/old gold donations for Flying Hope
Many thanks to the dental practice of Dr. Großkopf from Bonn, who once again collected a great donation of €5,000 for Flying Hope this November.
The tooth/old gold donations from Dr. Großkopf made this excellent donation possible.
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts on behalf of the sick children and please continue to support the work of Flying Hope.
Thank you GAT Airports
Dear general aviation teams from all airports in Germany and Austria, thank you very much for your recurring “super support”.
This thank you comes not only from us, but primarily from the children for whom we continue to work together.
Here’s to continued great collaboration in 2023.
Your Flying Hope Team
Donation Rotarian Essen Mülheim
This is help that goes directly to the sick children and helps us specifically with flight planning.
Your team from Flying Hope e.V.
Donations instead of gifts - a good idea!
As one example of many, we would like to take this opportunity to say a big thank you to Mr. Julian Kehrle. On the occasion of his 35th birthday there were no gifts, but donations totaling €1,500 for Flying Hope e.V.
This is support that goes directly to the children affected and makes further flights possible.
Thank you very much for this outstanding commitment.
Check-in Podcast with Dr. Michael Offerman
Check-in podcast about Hamburg Airport. Berndt Röttger, deputy. Abendblatt editor talks to interesting people who make us stand out. This time with Dr. Michael Offermann, Chairman of the Board of Flying Hope e.V.
Aenean leo ligula, porttitor eu, consequat vitae, eleifend ac, enim. Aliquam lorem ante, dapibus in, viverra quis, feugiat a, tellus. Phasellus viverra nulla ut metus varius laoreet. Quisque rutrum. Aenean imperdiet. Etiam ultricies nisi vel augue. Curabitur ullamcorper ultricies nisi.
Aenean leo ligula, porttitor eu, consequat vitae, eleifend ac, enim. Aliquam lorem ante, dapibus in, viverra quis, feugiat a, tellus. Phasellus viverra nulla ut metus varius laoreet. Quisque rutrum. Aenean imperdiet. Etiam ultricies nisi vel augue. Curabitur ullamcorper ultricies nisi.