

Flying Hope e.V. founded – AOPA has taken over patronage – Pilots and aircraft owners volunteer for sick children.

Hamburg, October 16, 2010 – Flying Hope e.V. launched its inaugural flight from Hamburg to Düsseldorf Airport today in Hamburg. The first cooperation partner of Flying Hope e.V. is the Sternenbrücke children’s hospice in Hamburg Rissen. Henry B., 8 years old, suffering from metabolic diseases and a guest at the Sternenbrücke children’s hospice, took off today together with his mother and sister in a twin-engine business aircraft bound for Essen.

Through the cooperation, the non-profit pilot network Flying Hope enables the children’s hospice Sternenbrücke now and in the future, sick children and their families a fast, uncomplicated and free arrival and departure. Because many institutions and parents are repeatedly faced with a problem: How can families get to a hospice for relief stays without exposing their seriously ill children and themselves to highly stressful travel efforts?

Gründungsflug mit Henry in das Kinderhospiz Sternenbrücke nach Hamburg

Gründungsflug mit Henry in das Kinderhospiz Sternenbrücke nach Hamburg

Flying is an experience and is perceived by the children and their families as a highlight – so in addition to the mission of helping families in need – Flying Hope donates a special family memory from which, many parents tell us, the family benefits for a long time.

Your team of Flying Hope e.V.