Board of Directors

Board of Directors

15 years Flying Hope e.V.

After more than ten years of founding the non-profit association and successfully leading it for the benefit of numerous seriously ill and disabled children, the team around Stefan Klebert has welcomed and made possible our succession. Many thanks for this.

We are pleased  to be able to continue this work and to do our best for “our” children and for the growth of Flying Hope e.V..

One of our goals is to make the association better known, so that we can offer even more children the possibility of free air transportation to important facilities and destinations. 

Whenever you have ideas, suggestions and comments about Flying Hope, we invite you to send them to us.

We are looking forward to a constructive and successful cooperation for the benefit of the children.

Your board Flying Hope e.V.

Dr. Michael Offermann (

Vice Chairman

Dr. Horst Bartels (

Board of Directors Public Relations, Press Contacts

Susanne Brörken ( 

mobile: +49 176 6107 1917

Board Treasurer

Detlef Thielmann (


Head of office

Barbara Drauz (

mobile +49 211 174 547 94


Further support for Flying Hope is provided by the members of the advisory board:


Dr. Gerrit Arlt / Pilot support + check flights


Professor Dr. Georg Kraus / Company contacts + check flights

Hendrik Bläser, Technic